January 27, 2020
Zack is 6 months old this month. I pretty much have him off leash most of the time. I take him to the park, he fetches and comes back and just stands by me and has really no interest in anything else except me. He has the run of the house all day by himself, no accidents and has only lived in the crate for the first 4-6 weeks. He never stays in the crate now. I have owned several dogs and have never owned or heard of anyone having a dog like this. I’m glad that I decided to get a great weim. Awesome awesome dog

Our family’s experience with DeMille Blue Bloods and the Great Weim breed has been far more than we had hoped for! Heather is professional and genuinely concerned about the animals she breeds. Before the puppies were old enough to take home, she sent us pictures and stayed in touch to keep us posted on the puppies progress. During the first few weeks/months of getting our puppy, she was always attentive to questions and willing to help! She still stays in touch with puppy owners after nearly a year of becoming a puppy owner.
We previously had a purebred Weimeraner for 13 years, so we knew high energy! When we were ready for our next dog we knew we wanted another large breed that was outgoing and would fit into our active lifestyle, but knew the purebred Weim was a little more that we wanted to tackle again. The most noticeable differences we love in our Great Weim, Kona, is his ability to be fun and active, but settle down when its time. He has much more impulse control than our Weim. He will rule the roost if allowed too, so structure, discipline and lots of training have been key. Exercise is another must for this breed. Kona walks/runs with me everyday – rain, shine or snow. We weren’t great at this with our last dog, so I think the more mellow nature of the Dane, along with a better exercise routine have both contributed to Kona’s near perfect behavior. Truth be told, we have lost a few shoes and stuffed animals, a couple of dog beds (after being kenneled for 9+ hours – our bad), and an unattended cake on the counter, so he’s not perfect, but his excitement to see us and puppy kisses make up for all of that! Kona goes with us everywhere – the park, hiking, kids baseball games, dog friendly stores! During the day, he is in a crate – very large crate so be prepared – and at night he sleeps on a dog bed in our room (OK, he is sometimes on our bed too, but it’s hard to resist because he is such a cuddler). Large breed, Active, Trainable, Loyal & Loving - Great with kids & other dogs (big or small) -
Great Weim – is the perfect breed for us and we are so happy we found DeMille Blue Bloods!

We had a great experience with purchasing our puppy from DeMille. Heather was accommodating and helpful throughout the whole process. She loves her dogs and that makes a big difference. She is knowledgeable and professional, and because of that we feel like we got exactly the kind of pup that we were looking for. We are so grateful that we happened upon DeMille and learned about the Great Weimar. We had been “shopping” for a dog for almost a year trying to find one that would fit into our family. The Great Weimar exceeded our expectations. We have found everything Heather told us about the breed to be true. Henry is very smart, and loves to be “trained.” We have found that routines and consistency have made a huge difference. These dogs are big, and it is like having a 100 pound toddler in the house, so it’s important to be patient and get them good training. We did most of the training ourselves with the help of one puppy class, and that was sufficient for us. He loves to be with people and is attached to our hip most of the time. These are not the kind of dogs to be left outside in a kennel; they need their people. We’ve found his energy level to be perfect for our lifestyle, we both work and have younger children. We can go camping, hiking, or just play outside for hours and he is in heaven. But on a really busy day we may miss getting his walk in and it isn’t the end of the world. Despite his size, he is incredibly gentle. He’s knocked down a few kids and stepped on lots of toes, but all of this is completely unintentional. My four year old climbs on him, pokes, pulls, and does all of the things little kids do and he just takes it. It isn’t uncommon for us to find both of them hanging out together in Henry’s crate (voluntarily of course). At ten months old he was calm enough for my seven year old to take him on short walks around the block without and adult, even though Henry outweighed him by 40 pounds. Also, we are not neat freaks, but I want my house to be clean and I’ve been happy with the minimal dog hair and no slobber. Pictures don’t do these dogs justice, they are truly gorgeous animals. Everywhere we take him, literally everywhere, people comment on how beautiful and well behaved he is. I’m truly surprised that this mix is not more common. For a person who wants a bigger, athletic, versatile, and yet easygoing dog the Great Weimar is ideal.

I was a little nervous about how Gus would do this week with six extra kids (totaling 9) and 7 extra adults around, but he has been a dream! He is SO good with the kids and has just been overall impressive. I can't say enough good things about this breed. Aside from the massive amounts of poop, he's perfect. Everyone needs a Gus! Here he is with three of my nephews, who have been climbing all over him (even while he has a bone!) and snuggling him.

Happy 1st Birthday to our sweet Molly!! You are a gentle giant one minute and a bull in a china shop the next. You are the queen of chasing tennis balls and laser lights, unmaking my entire made bed in seconds, master cuddler, and the most reliable 5am alarm clock ever!! Xo To our black beauty!!

Here is a more recent picture of Boone(Turner). He is a show stopper. People are drawn to him and he loves the attention. We love our great weimar!

Cali has been such a great addition to our family. She is crazy smart. I can't believe how quickly she catches on to things. She has already declared our bed as hers at night.

We have Zeus from Sequoia's litter from October 2014 and couldn't be happier with our bundle of energy.

She is my best friend (especially when Kindall's out of town) and she literally makes me laugh every day.

Violet is one of Sequoia's pups from last year. She weighs about 75 lbs and is a great joy to have around. She thinks she is a lap dog and loves to snuggle.

Here is Petra. Black in color but has a seasonal brownish coat in fall. Very active and loving has strong hunting/ chasing instincts. Loves people and always wants to be right where you are. She is 89 lbs and tall. I highly recommend the breed. Thank you very much. You guys are awesome.

Hank & Nucky
Hank & Nucky are fantastic. I want to clone them 500 times. They are the best boys EVER!! We consider ourselves to be VERY lucky. They are my shadows. They are SO well behaved. My husband can't believe what wesome boys they are! My hubby & I have had several Great Danes. I must admit, we were a little nervous about the Weimey mix, but I can't believe what great boys they are! Their personalities are perfect--calm when needed, playful when we're out, and they have the BEST sense of humor!! I just can't say how much I love these boys!

Jelly Biafra (aka Jelly Bean) is a wonderful dog. He has a completely goofy sense of humor. He's gorgeous. People stop us everywhere and marvel at how handsome he is. He's also intelligent....Very easy to train and mellow when he needs to be, but fun and playful too. We're so happy with him, thank you.

Tess has been a fantastic pup. She's loved her crate from day 1, soothes herself, (even the first night- she didn't whine for more than five or ten mins!), and she has no issues when we have to leave her alone, which is wonderful!. (Our first family dog was a rescue, he had terrible separation anxiety.) [At only 12 weeks old,] she's already picking up on what area in the yard we want her to relieve herself, she knows "sit" and "lay down", is beginning to understand "come" and is starting to react to her name. She loves all people and dogs, which is fantastic for us! (Our last dog was also a rescue, who was very aggressive with strangers, so having a friendly dog has been a breath of fresh air!) She can't quite keep up yet on our long walks and jogs, but she makes an excellent stroller basket passenger ;) (see pictures). We are in love and excited to continue watching her grow!
ONE YEAR UPDATE: Happy 1st Birthday to our Tess! The boys thought a milk bone and peanut butter cake was "fantastic!" What a perfect addition to our family she has been. I'm so glad she got some of her dad's Dane personality traits- I have to remind myself she's still a puppy sometimes! Yet she is athletic enough to play fetch and go for long jogs with me... Thanks to her Weimaraner mom. She's chill when she needs to be, yet she loves wrestling with the boys and playing with the neighbor dogs. We are so glad she joined our family last February!

Thanks again for the amazing experience working with you and Demille Blue Bloods. "Moose" arrived safe and we are enjoying him as our new addition. I have a feeling this breed is going to become a So Cal favorite. Prepare to ship many more to Orange County. We will keep pictures and stories coming to the Facebook site.

It's been 3 days since we welcomed this stud into our life!! We love him so much!! Yesterday my boys were asked to walk the dog while my hubby ran to the store. An hour later I found my boys sitting inside the dog house watching a movie snuggling with him. It made me smile. He is so good natured, and loves to be around people. His temperament is that of an old soul. He seems so wise for his age. He's perfect! We look forward to our many adventures together.